In Memory

Joseph Paytas

Died: March 17, 2020

Laurie Banfiel Rhodes writes:

So sad to share that Joe Paytas, my dear friend from high school, passed away Tuesday. Joe moved to California in his late twenties. We remained friends all these years but reconnected in person when I moved here eight years ago. Joe was a generous person, taking care of others before himself. He always had a positive attitude, a contagious laugh and a smile that would light up the room. I’m blessed by his friendship. Rest In Peace, Joe. ❤️

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04/25/20 01:59 PM #1    

Raymond Schraff

Sad to hear that Joe passed away. He was a very kind soul with an infectious laugh that made you laugh as well. I remember having a regular study table, afternoons in the LRC, with Joe (and Laurie too !) and a regular crew. I think we laughed uncontrollably, more than we studied. Rest in peace Joe... probably selling antiques for a profit in some better place!

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